Discussing business logistics in Turkish

Discussing business logistics in Turkish

Useful phrases when talking to Turkish business partners about logistics. Asgari sipariş miktarı ne kadar?                                                What is the minimum order quantity? Örnek koleksiyonu ne zaman gönderebilirsiniz?                  When can you...
Greetings in Turkish

Greetings in Turkish

Here are some useful Turkish phrases for greetings you might find useful when travelling in Turkey. Turkish greetings Günaydın  –   Good morning Merhaba / Selam  –  Hello İyi akşamlar –   Good evening İyi günler –  Good day   Asking how...
Useful Phrases Public transport in Turkey

Useful Phrases Public transport in Turkey

Here are some useful phrases you might need when using public transport in Turkey. Bana bir taksi çağırır mısınız lütfen? –  Can you order a taxi for me, please? Saat dokuz buçukta gelsin lütfen. –  For 9.30, please. Borcum ne kadar? –  How much do I...
Useful Phrases: Dining in a Turkish restaurant

Useful Phrases: Dining in a Turkish restaurant

Here are some useful Turkish phrases for when you are dining in a Turkish restaurant. Saat bir için bir masa ayırtmak istiyorum. – I would like to book a table for 1 o’clock. Dört kişilik lütfen. –  For four people, please. Yemek listesini alabilir miyiz...