Turkish business meetings and useful phrases

Turkish business meetings and useful phrases

It is important to show patience It is important to show patience when dealing with Turkish business partners. Initial meetings hardly ever lead to decisions and are used primarily to get to know each other. So don’t try to rush into business or limit the discussion...
Turkish working hours

Turkish working hours

Turkish working hours Turkish employees work some of the longest hours in Europe, but this isn’t always reflected in productivity figures. Tea breaks and smoking breaks The business culture in Turkey allows for a lot of smoking and tea breaks and often discourages...
What to wear for a business meeting in Turkey

What to wear for a business meeting in Turkey

Initial business meetings are usually formal, as business is a serious matter and must be treated that way. Even though the first steps towards a personal relationship may have taken place in a restaurant, it is important to avoid being too casual and friendly when...
Turkish negotiation process

Turkish negotiation process

The negotiation process may take longer than expected or anticipated. Turkish business people do not like to be put under pressure and do not like deadlines. Therefore, any attempt to hurry the process will only produce negative results. Being patient is an asset when...
Business etiquette: Greeting a colleague in Turkey

Business etiquette: Greeting a colleague in Turkey

Greeting a Turkish colleague When greeting a Turkish colleague formally for the first time, it is polite to address a man by his full name proceeded by Bay (Bay Frank Campbell). You can address a woman with her full name and Bayan (Bayan Sarah Campbell). Greeting in a...